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Purpose of The Church

To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone, provide facilities and opportunities for Christian fellowship; to establish and maintain Christian Educational institutions where no other but Christian worship will be held and charity work provided according to Christian principles.


Statement of Faith

A) The sixty six books of Bible is given by “The Inspiration of God”; and there is absolute infallibility in the original text.

B) God, the Holy Father, God the Holy Son and God the Holy Spirit are the One and Only Triune Almighty God.

C) God, the Father is the Creator Lord of the universe and the Heavenly Father of the believers.

D) Jesus, God the Son, became man, died and shed His blood on the cross for the

remission of sins; rose again from the dead the third day, ascended to heaven 40 days after His resurrection, shall come again to reward the church and to judge “the quick and the dead”; and is the Saviour of mankind.

E) God, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, convicts people of the sinful state, enlightens them to believe and trust Jesus; sanctifies, seals, comforts, helps, teaches and guides the believers.

F) God freely gives His salvation to the world and whosoever believes in Jesus Christ, accepts Him as his own personal Saviour and enters into the Kingdom of God through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit shall be saved.

G) The church is the House of God, the Body of Christ, established and developed by means of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit and is responsible for the proclamation of the Gospel to the world.





1) 聖經66卷書是「神的默示」,完全無誤。

2) 神,聖父、聖子、聖靈,乃三位一體的神。

3) 神,聖父,是宇宙的創造主和信徒的天父。

4) 耶穌,神的兒子,成為人並死在十字架上、流出寶血使罪得赦免;第三天從死裏復活


5) 神,聖靈,保惠師,使人知罪,開導他們信靠耶穌;使成聖、確認、安慰、幫助、教


6) 神白白地給世人救恩,凡相信耶穌基督,接受祂為個人救主,並藉聖靈重生進入神國


7) 教會是神的家、基督的身體,由聖靈賜下恩賜建立並發展,負起向世界宣講福音的責



The late Rev. Dr. & Mrs. T. David Lamb, a highly dedicated missionary couple that came to India from Shanghai, China in 1949, founded the Grace Ling Liang Church in January 1974.






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