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Pastor Kuothai

Pastor Kuo Thai Chiang:


Pastor Kuo Thai has been with the Ling Liang Churches and schools in Kolkata for the last 25 years, and it is evident from the “silver” on his head. Over the years, he dabbled as youth worker, school chaplain, basketball coach, and tutor. 


His passion is to teach bible, especially preach expository sermons, having preached almost the entire New Testament and now treading, with fear and trembling, on the Old Testament prophetic books. From the pulpit, his most often asked questions to the church members are, “What does this passage mean? Why it is here? How does it relate to Christ?” He wants Christians to study biblical passages with these questions and allow the passages to give the answers. 


He loves to cook for people, who have been heard whispering, “His cooking is better than his preaching. He explains better what he puts inside his signature dishes and it is digestible!”




他熱愛聖經教導,特別是釋經講道,宣講了近乎整本新約的他,開始戰兢地宣講舊約先知書。他在講台上最常問會友的是:「這段經文是什麼意思? 為什麼它在這裡? 它與基督有什麼關係?」他希望基督徒帶著這些問題研讀聖經,並讓經文給予答案。


Pastor Yu Yam Chiu:

Yu Yam Chiu had worked in a corporate sector for over 12 years until she found a calling into full time church ministry which encouraged her to pursue her theological studies.


She completed her MDiv from SAIACS, Bangalore in 2021 and is deeply committed to serving in the church. 

Her vision is:

1. to see the growth of the local church community by meeting the spiritual needs of the people

2. to empower and equip the youth for effective leadership roles in the church 

3. fulfilling the mission of God (Matt 28:19-20).

She has been a church worship leader, youth leader and also actively involved in the children ministry. She has a passion for music and loves to interact with people and to be a witness for Christ.


丘友艷在領受呼召,接受神學訓練及在教會全職服侍前,曾在私人企業工作超過 12年。




1. 通過滿足人的屬靈需要,見證本地教會成長,

2. 裝備青年在教會擔當領導角色,

3. 完成神的大使命(馬太福音 28:19-20)

她是教會敬拜領袖、青年領袖,也積極參與兒童事工。 她對音樂充滿熱情、喜愛與人互動、並為基督作見證。

Suresh Ram

Pastor Suresh Ram:


Suresh recalls that from his earliest memories he had a keen interest in wanting to know Who God is. It was this interest that brought him to Emmanuel chapel, which was used by a Singaporean team in the late 90s to start a Hindi fellowship. He was only a very young boy when the seed of the gospel was planted into his heart. When the time to make the commitment of taking water baptism came, he bravely asked his parents to give him the permission to get baptized. He also was a diligent student, but due to financial crisis in the family, he could not complete high school and started to work in the leather industry. But working in the leather industry took much out of his spiritual life to the point that he realized he needed to be more involved in the church life. He moved to work in Grace Ling Liang school and continued to serve actively in the Emmanuel church. There was a continued calling from God which he felt for many years until it became evident to the leaders that God has chosen Suresh to serve Him full time.

He studied for three years at Grace Bible School (Jamshedpur) to prepare for pastoral work. Upon graduation, he immediately returned to serve at Emmanuel Hindi Church.

His desire is to reach out to his community (Chattisgarhi) and the Hindi speaking communities in the neighborhood of Emmanuel Church. His areas of interest are in Discipleship and Inductive Bible Study.





Sister Anukali Sukhavi Kiba:

Anukali comes from a humble place in Akuluto Town, Nagaland. The place is surrounded by mountains filled with God’s natural beauty. She grew up attending Sunday schools, youth camps, fellowships, revivals, and listening to different preachers, as a result her relationship with the living God was strengthened. Watching the city life in the television created a desired in her to explore the cities and be a witness of the gospel to God’s precious people. Looking back, it seemed impossible that this dream could be fulfilled but Praise the Lord! Today she lives in the city, she once saw only on the televisions and now she serving the living God in the same city. Anukali completed her four-year Bachelor of Divinity degree at Serampore College in the year 2018. During her theological training, she met her husband who is from Tangra, Kolkata (It was all God’s perfect plan!).

She has a passion to teach and interact with young people and little children. Right after her studies, she went on to teach in schools. Finally an opportunity to teach in Grace Ling Liang school came after her marriage. And now God called her to serve with a wonderful team in the Ling Liang Churches as one of God’s servants. Grace Ling Liang Church, Emmanuel church and Ling Liang Church is her second family, home away from home.

Her mission is to be a witness for the LORD, the only living God of the universe. In respond to God calling the Israelites in Isaiah 43:10 “you are my witnesses, says the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me”. To reach out to God’s special creations both young and old. Isaiah 43:7 “everyone who is called by my name whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” Let the nations know the LORD, worship Him and praise Him only. Amen

Anukali來自那加蘭邦Akuluto小鎮,小鎮四面環山,充滿神的自然美景。她自小參加主日學、青年營、團契、奮興會,聽不同傳道人講道,因而深化與永生神的關係。她在電視看到城市生活後,渴望到城市探索並向神寶貴子民見證福音。回想起來,這個夢想似乎不可能實現,但讚美主,她現在住在這曾經只在電視上看到的城市,更在這裡事奉永生神。 Anukali 於 2018 年在塞蘭布爾學院完成四年神學學士,在神學培訓期間,遇上來自加爾各答塔壩的丈夫!(這全是神完美的計劃)




她的使命是為主,那宇宙唯一永活神作見證,回應神在以賽亞書43章10節對以色列人的呼召,「耶和華說:你們是我的見證人,我所揀選的僕人,既是這樣,便可以知道、且信服我,又明白我就是耶和華。在我以前沒有真神,在我以後也必沒有。」並去接觸神特別的創造,包括年輕和年長的,以賽亞書 43章7 節「就是凡稱為我名下的人,是我為自己的榮耀創造的,是我所做成,所造作的。」




The late Rev. Dr. & Mrs. T. David Lamb, a highly dedicated missionary couple that came to India from Shanghai, China in 1949, founded the Grace Ling Liang Church in January 1974.






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